Selection of items for sale.
We only advertise a proportion of our range on the website because quite often, sales are made before we get chance to prepare items of stock.
Usually, clocks and barometers are an intimate purchase that is unique and cannot be fully represented by photographs. We always when possible, encourage people to examine the item that they are interested in and discuss the preparation details with us so that when you receive your new purchase it is exactly how you wanted it and you can be assured of its authenticity.
If it is not practical for you to call in to our shop to examine items we will do all that we can to ensure that you are pleased with any purchases you make.
We have a unique policy at 'The Clockshop' which is to promise you that should you ever wish to part-exchange a purchase for a more expensive item, we guarantee that we will allow you at least what you originally paid towards the new purchase price. This is because of our confidence in what we sell you. Remember, we don't sell throw-away items; we sell items that never need to be thrown away and if it breaks, we can repair it.
An unusual, small and rare fusee wall clock by Lambert, London. Circa 1870.
A fine, wooded dial, English dial clock by Francis Perigal, London. Circa 1800.
English fusee dial clock with a carved mahogany surround. Circa 1880.
8" fusee dial clock in a mahogany case. Circa late 19th century.
Small mahogany tavern clock with a white wooden dial. Made by Thomas Field of Bath. Circa 1790.
A mahogany, small fusee, English dial wall clock with a rare dark blue and gold 10 inch dial. Circa 1890.
Wooden dial, chisel bottom, English Drop-dial fusee wall clock by John Thwaites. Circa 1805.
Black dial English Tavern or Act of Parliament wall clock. Made by William Stevens of Cirencester. Circa 1775.
An early, wooden dial, English dial wall clock in a mahogany case. Made by Sly, Weymouth. Circa 1815.
Double fusee striking english dial wall clock in an oak case. circa 1890.
Mahogany Fusee movement, one-piece Drop-dial wall clock and mercurial barometer for sale. Extremely rare. C. 1840.
A mahogany, bell-top, verge escapement and very original, bracket clock with a silvered dial. Circa 1790.
Rare, original Regency clock wall bracket. Circa 1820.
A wall mounted and ebonised 'true' bracket clock with its bracket and an unusual escapement by John Seddon of London. Circa 1745.
A good and slightly smaller, quarter repeating, verge escapement bracket clock by Andrew Marchant of London. Circa 1745.
An exceptionally fine rosewood chamfer top bracket clock by Alexander Purvis. Circa 1830.
Clock wall bracket.
A fine English, striking, library 5-glass mantel clock with platform escapement and in a rosewood case. Circa 1845.
A small fusee striking bracket clock in a break-arch ebonised case. circa 1800.
Georgian bracket clock in a mahogany bell top case. Made by Watson, London. Circa 1790.
English 5 glass, satinwood library clock with a chain fusee movement and engine turned gilded dial. Circa 1850.
Georgian inverted Bell-top, verge escapement, ebonised bracket clock by Isaac Hurley, London. Circa 1750.
Large french garniture clock set with a rare 'penny moon' dial showing phases of the moon. Circa 1875.
A fine, quarter chiming, verge escapement table clock by Benjamin Gray & Justin Vulliamy. Circa 1760.
A small fusee balloon clock with an enamel dial. Made by John Dwerrihouse circa 1790.
A good Bell top, walnut table clock by John Taylor of London. Circa 1780.
A good Regency, gadrooned chamfer top bracket clock in an elaborate mahogany case. Circa 1820.
William Clement of Totnes Lantern clock. Circa late 17th century.
Handmade Lantern clock oak wall bracket.
A rare and giant, scientific 24 hour chart Barograph in a glazed oak case. Circa 1958.
Barograph. In a light oak, 5-glass case. Circa: 1910 (Edwardian period).
Barograph. In a 5-glass mahogany case and retailed by Harrods of London. Circa: early 20th century.
Barograph by Short & Mason. In an oak 5-glass case. Circa 1930.
English antique barograph in a 5-glass mahogany case by Short & Mason Limited. Circa 1921.
A fine London mahogany longcase clock by Francis Perigal, London. Circa 1770.
A good, George III period, London mahogany Longcase clock by Williams. Circa 1780.
17th century, small oak, 30 hour longcase clock with 9 inch dial by william noke of shropshire. Circa 1690.
An oak Longcase clock with a brass dial. Made by George Clapham of Whitton (Lincolnshire). Circa 1735.
A good, English Regulator Longcase clock in an arched mahogany case. Circa mid 19th century.
A fine and early English, panelled ebony longcase clock by John Drew, London. Circa 1685.
Early 18th century walnut longcase clock by Joseph Jackeman, London. Circa 1715.
An important and rare early English, small Marquetry Longcase Clock. Attributed to Nathaniel Pyne. Circa 1685
Mahogany Longcase clock with an early white dial by John Douglass of Chertsey. Circa 1780.
A very original, dark green chinoiserie Longcase clock with rocking father time. Circa 1720.
A fine London mahogany, silvered dial longcase clock by Archibald Collier, Bond St. Circa 1785.
Late Georgian Barometer
Sheraton style banjo barometer.
A good Georgian banjo barometer by George Dollond of London for sale. C.1830.
The Longcase Clock
The Story of the Pendulum Clock.
English Bracket and Mantel Clocks.
Victorian Clocks.
Skeleton Clocks
Continental and American Skeleton Clocks
Spring Driven Dutch Pendulum Clocks 1657 - 1710
The Bracket Clock
English Dial Clocks
Skeleton Clocks; Britain 1800 - 1914
English Dial Clocks
Horologium Oscillatorium