Barograph by Short & Mason. In an oak 5-glass case. Circa 1930.
A superb quality and attractive barograph by this good maker.
Stock No: 14486
The 8 day duration, drum timepiece clock movement with its original jewelled, lever, platform escapement. Contained in a revolving 3 3/4" diameter brass chart drum. This is mounted upon the top base tier as is barometric cradle with a 12-tiered stack.
The nib on the end of the floating arm is refilled when the chart is changed weekly from its front-mounted glass ink bottle and dipper.
The front of the baseplate has a vertically mounted, silvered reference 'Cyclo-Stormograph' chart for forecasting the weather against the trend left from the ink trace on the drum chart.
The timepiece movement is wound weekly by removing the top cover to expose the fixed winding key and the platform escapement hatch which can be slid open for regulating the timekeeping.
There is also a chart-change holding bar to lift the nib away from the drum when necessary and for transit.
The oak 5-glass cover simply fits over the top tier of the well-figured moulded base and is lifted off to operate the device. All of the glass panels are bevelled and the base contains a double-depth, chart drawer
Short & Mason Limited was founded in 1875 by Thomas Short and James Mason. They were based in Hatton Garden, London and continued until 1969.
* Barographs are not only attractive but also provide a good deal of fun when operated. They also provide a lasting record of local weather conditions.
Dimensions: The moulded base is 14 3/4" wide x 9" deep and the height including the feet is 8 3/4"
Circa: 1930.
Condition: Excellent and working perfectly. The aneroid baseplate has a couple of stains that have
penetrated the lacquer but these can be removed (see last photograph). Cosmetically
this device is excellent for its age and appears to be undamaged. It is wholly original and
will be supplied with a year's worth of high quality Cyclo-Stormograph charts and ample
non-blotting ink. It will be fully guaranteed and it is this work that adds considerable
value and provides piece of mind. If maintained correctly, this device will serve you
indefinitely. These are also excellent gifts and future family Heirlooms. This item is a
beautiful, high quality example
Price: £1,850. This will include a complete overhaul to the clock movement and a service to
the barometer. Please note - The price is reduced because this item is not officially
antique until circa 2030. Once it becomes antique it will have a greater value.